Dr Anne Fett

Anne Fett is a senior lecturer at City University of London and has been affiliated with the CSI lab since 2010. Anne holds a BSc in Psychology from the University of Groningen, a Research MSc in Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience from Maastricht University and a PhD from the VU Amsterdam (supervisors Krabbendam/Shergill). Her research focuses on the investigation of the social cognitive and neural mechanisms that underlie symptoms and social functioning of individuals with psychosis and cognitive and neural mechanisms of social interaction in developing healthy individuals. With a pump priming award from City University of London she is currently investigating the relationship between psychotic symptoms and loneliness in psychosis. It is one of her key interests to apply her fundamental research findings in clinical settings where they can be translated into interventions. She recently developed a smartphone application to improve patients’ well-being and social functioning through tailored feedback and activity prompts. Anne has received a prestigious VENI postdoctoral research fellowship (NWO, 2013-2017), and  NARSAD/BFF, ICOSR (2105) and SIRS Young Investigator awards (2016).

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